Got to the barn 8:30am
Hand walked a post-surgery horse, Mr Grey.
Rode a lazy bugger named Noel.
Jumped a fiery cob named Trigger.
Flat rode the 4 year old pony I'm training, Nico.
Hopped on a pony we were trying and jumped a 1m course.
Trial rode another pony, fell off. Got on again, and got around the course. I hate sneaky run outs.
Ate a quick lunch.
Took Perrin, the six year old Piebal mare cross country with great success.
Took Ranger, a new four year old cross country. Spurs were needed...
De-contaminated three lice riddled horses with Taktic. Toxic stuff.
Now in my bed watching Fringe for the next few hours until I pass out.
I'm going to sleep well tonight.